Meet the people whose hearts age more slowly

Studies show the hearts and brains of Bolivia's indigenous Tsimane people are the healthiest on the planet.
2024-08-18 08:06:24

Uncontacted indigenous people sighted in Peru

An uncontacted indigenous people in Peru has been spotted close to where logging companies have concessions.
2024-07-18 09:09:24

Brazil's Indigenous people turn to EU to save their savanna

Post Content
2024-03-25 18:09:18

New Zealand: Thousands march against new government's reversal of Indigenous policies

The new right-wing government wants to re-interpret the nation's Indigenous treaty.
2023-12-05 12:12:45

Indigenous writer Ailton Krenak, postponing the end of the world

Post Content
2023-11-14 09:09:46

Doubt cast on indigenous roots of Buffy Sainte-Marie

A new investigation by Canadian broadcaster CBC has questioned her claims of indigenous ancestry.
2023-10-28 00:06:44

Brazil?s Lula vetoes core part of legislation threatening Indigenous rights

Post Content
2023-10-21 03:06:35

Hurt ripples in wake of Australia's Indigenous Voice vote

Following a landmark referendum, Australia tends to the wounds caused by months of brutal debate.
2023-10-15 12:07:33

Voice referendum: Australia set to vote in nation-defining poll

The landmark Voice referendum could shape Australia's relationship with its Indigenous peoples for generations.
2023-10-13 18:10:07

'My ancestors were invisible. I want to be visible'

Recognition hangs in the balance for Indigenous Australians ahead of a historic vote.
2023-10-13 07:11:33

Voice referendum: Australia to hold historic Indigenous vote in October

Voters will consider whether to recognise Indigenous people in the country's constitution.
2023-08-30 17:10:20

Mauritius' Supreme Court decriminalises same-sex relations

The island nation's highest court says the ban on gay sex does not reflect "indigenous values".
2023-10-05 18:16:41

Dom Phillips: Fresh charges over murder of British journalist

The British journalist was killed along with an Brazilian indigenous expert in the Amazon last year.
2023-06-05 15:10:45

Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira: Brazilian former official indicted over murders

The former head of Brazil's Indigenous protection agency is accused of indirectly playing a part in journalist's death.
2023-05-20 11:14:26

Missing children found after 40 days in Amazon released from hospital

Four young children found last month after surviving 40 days in the Amazon rainforest following an air crash have been released from hospital and are in good shape, according to Colombian authorities.
2023-07-21 17:13:44

Alleged 'mastermind' named in deaths of British journalist Dom Phillips and indigenous expert Bruno Pereira

Two more suspects have been named in the alleged murders of British journalist, Dom Phillips, and indigenous expert, Bruno Pereira, including the alleged mastermind of the crime, according to a statement Brazil's Federal Police provided to CNN.
2023-06-06 00:05:54

Four children remain missing in the Colombian jungle. Their plight is the latest air travel mishap in the Amazon

"We had not been in air for more than 30 seconds... suddenly, the engine started coughing. We could see the propeller slowing down and the plane losing altitude," says Diego Londo?o, a 30-year-old man from the remote Colombian Amazon town of Mitú, who was flying from his hometown to San Jose del Guaviare three months ago when the plane suddenly lost power midair.
2023-05-30 10:07:00

Peru: Indigenous women and police clash in anti-government protest

At least 60 people have died in anti-government protests since December last year.
2023-07-31 04:08:51


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